Home » Dozens dead, injured as heavy rains, flash floods rip through Afghanistan

Dozens dead, injured as heavy rains, flash floods rip through Afghanistan

At least nine people have died and 74 others have been injured as a result of extreme flooding in different provinces of Afghanistan, according to a Taliban official.

Downpours and subsequent flooding in various parts of Afghanistan have resulted in the death of at least nine people in the country, according to local officials. A Taliban official in the Natural Disasters management department said that 74 people have been wounded in the floods that have swept 23 provinces of Afghanistan.

Furthermore, almost 1,800 houses have been damaged and more than 20,000 acres of land meant for agricultural purposes has been ruined. “In 23 provinces 9 people have died, 74 people were injured and 1,778 houses were destroyed,” said Mohammad Abas Akhund.

Several locals have narrated their ordeal. Last week, Raz Mohammad, a resident of the Zari district, said that he was unable to preserve his cherished household items. “Nothing has remained for us, we were not able to save our home belongings and we saved people by using ropes in the water,” he said.

Others have desperately appealed to the Taliban to provide help. “We request help us so that our people do not perish,” said Aman Ali, another individual affected by the flooding. Recently, 10 Afghan provinces have been deeply impacted by the extreme weather conditions, including Nuristan, Parwan, Zabul, Nangarhar, Kunar, Faryab, Balkh, Uruzgan, Nimroz, and Laghman.

According to Taliban-run Ministry of Disaster Management spokesperson Shafiullah Rahimi, over 750 homes have been partially or completely destroyed due to heavy rainfall, snow, and flooding. He said that the Government in Kabul was relentlessly supplying essential items like food, tents, and sleeping blankets to the affected families.

Meanwhile the UN coordinating body in Afghanistan says seeking more funds to address flood-affected families.

Source: Afghan Herald/Agencies.

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