Home » Iran says Taliban has not met its pledges over water rights

Iran says Taliban has not met its pledges over water rights

Iran’s Foreign Ministry says that although Taliban acknowledges Iran’s water rights from Helmand River, it has not met its pledges to ensure the flow of water.

Naser Kenani, Iran’s foreign ministry spokesman, as quoted by Iranian media, said that Iran is seriously pursuing the issue of water, and granting the rights would be an expression of goodwill of the Taliban.

“The Afghan side is responsible to provide Iran’s water rights, and Afghan government officials acknowledge and emphasize Iran’s water rights based on the existing treaty, but unfortunately regarding ensuring the water rights, despite the follow-ups, we do not see such a thing happening,” Kenani said.

The Taliban meanwhile does not deny Iran has the right to water from the Helmand River and says that it is committed to the 1973 water treaty, but drought has reduced water levels.

Suhail Shaheen, head of IEA’s political office in Qatar, recently said that the issue should be resolved based on the 1973 treaty, as well as developments, including climate change, that have occurred since its signing.

“But if anyone is using force, we know the history and we will defend our people. That is our right. We are defending. We are not violating anyone’s rights,” he said, as quoted by local Ariana News TV.

In May, Iran’s president warned Taliban not to violate water rights of the Iranian people over their shared Helmand River.

Afghan Herald/Agencies

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